PCF - traduzione in russo
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PCF - traduzione in russo

Parti Communiste Français; PCF; Parie Commniste Français; Partido comunista francês

= Partido Comunista Francês


Partido Comunista Francês

O Partido Comunista Francês (em francês: Parti Communiste Français, PCF) é um partido político comunista de França, fundado em 1920. Em 2019, tinha 47 349 militantes, verificando perdas eleitorais.

Esempi dal corpus di testo per PCF
1. The French Communist Party (PCF) has kept a close watch and appreciates the positive progress in Vietnam as well as the lines and policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), said a PCF senior official on March 24.
2. PCF National Secretary Marie George Buffet was receiving Do Nguyen Phuong, CPV Central Committee‘s member and Head of the Party‘s Commission of Science and Education, who is leading a CPV delegation for the 33rd PCF Congress.
3. He thanked the PCF for its valuable assistance to Vietnam, and stressed that the Vietnamese Party and people hoped to further promote and develop their traditional close ties of solidarity and mutual trust with the PCF.
4. He stressed the close and faithful relations of the CPV and Vietnamese people with the PCF and French people.
5. PCF recently sold its loss making car retailing subsidiary, Karma Cars, leaving it free to concentrate on restoring the growth of its consumer finance portfolio.